Drum Pumps
Drum Pumps
Trebles can source a number of brands of drum pump, however the unrivalled and Trebles recommended Drum Pump range comes from leading supplier Lutz. With Trebles extensive stock; Trebles has the pump suited to any liquid to be pumped – without compromise.
A drum pump is a large mechanical tool that is ideal for pumping liquids from and filling canisters, drums and containers with thin-bodied, free-flowing and viscous liquids. Suitable for stationary or mobile use, drum pumps ensure the safe dispensing and transferring of liquids. – The range Trebles lists from Lutz includes:
- Diesel Fuel & Oil Hand Pumps
- Flammable Manual Pumps
- Concentrated Acid Pumps (polypropylene pump)
Lutz pump sets are suitable for handling a wide range of fluids including acids, alkalis, mineral oils and solvents.
The Lutz brand brings German pump engineering to the UK marketplace. With their over 50 years’ experience in the pumping industry and the safe handling of fluids; they are renowned worldwide. – The perfect partner for Trebles level of expertise.

Lutz drum and container pumps are constructed to assure safety and economy when transferring neutral, aggressive and flammable liquids from different-sized containers. They will used for pumping aqueous and light viscous liquids in mobile or stationary use.
Trebles not only stock the drum pumps themselves but also all the associated product including pump tubes and spare pump motors.
Unsure which products you require? The Trebles team are on hand to help…