Product Offering

As the UK’s largest independent pump specialist, with over £3.5m worth of stock holding, Trebles will have a product to cater for nearly every requirement.

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Energy Saving

Focus on Energy Efficient Product – Saving the Planet & Your Money

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Cost Saving

The Best Product Recommended for the Job – Even if it isn’t the Highest Priced

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50 Years Knowledge

Huge Range of Techinical Knowledge Across all Pump Brands – New & Old



Trebles hold key supplier status with all the leading pump manufacturers, including: Grundfos, Lowara, Wilo, Flamco, Varisco, Mono, Dab, Calpeda, KSB plus many, many more.

From circulators to submersibles and everything in-between – Trebles stocks it all.

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Complete Systems

Whether it’s a single packaged pressurisation unit, right up to a full packaged plant room –  Through both Trebles huge stock holding and its own manufacturing facility, the right solution can be found.

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With sizes varying from small domestic use, right up to large industrial use applications, Trebles keep stock from all the leading brands including: Flamco, Reflex & Zilmet.

The Trebles Range Includes Heating Expansion Vessels, Potable Pressure Vessels & Flow Through Vessels.

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Warehouse Spares

Accessories & Spares

Sometimes the need for the smallest part can cause big delays and inconvenience to a job – this is why Trebles stocks such a large range of spares and accessories.

Trebles don’t just sell pump units…

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What Trebles Customers Think

We relied on Trebles expertise to ensure the right products were sourced for our project.

Top workmanship and a professional attitude from a supportive team

Excellent customer service again! You genuinely make my life so much easier